SAS EG Weighted Bar Chart to Answer Question on Race & Marriage

Not quite three weeks ago, I wrote about how to do a table analysis using SAS Enterprise Guide to answer the pressing question of whether men are more or less likely to marry women with more education. I was going to follow up with an explanation of how to get a weighted bar chart. Explanation of…

Today’s Tech Tip: Don’t marry the wrong person

Every blogger gets those emails that begin , “We love your blog …: and end with ” …. over here at spam-a-lot, free-insurance-quotes, on-line college work at home for hundreds of dollars a and …” I almost deleted this one until I read the rest that said … “We’re planning to feature it in…

Break Things and Blow Shit Up: An immature guide to science teaching

My mother-in-law suspects that her granddaughter is being raised with no adult supervision whatsoever.  Her suspicions are  correct. This year, The World’s Most Spoiled 14-year-old  (she had a birthday this week) is learning physics. The rocket scientist has multiple degrees in physics. The stage would seem to be set for positive developments in science learning. Two…

The Smartest Person in the Room: What I Wish I Knew Then

Performance evaluations are nobody’s favorite experience, with the possible exception of a small population of masochists. However,  I did enjoy one from a department chair who began, Unlike most new Ph.D. ‘s who believe that they are smarter than God, AnnMaria …. My assumption of less-than-omniscience began with my graduation from the University of Minnesota…


I was brilliant. Then I wasn’t. Then I was.

Programming is NOT mostly about writing code. It’s mostly about figuring out how to solve a problem. Here is an example from yesterday…. HOW TO SCORE QUESTIONS WHEN THE ANSWERS ARE IN MULTIPLE VARIABLES I downloaded an SPSS file from surveymonkey which a client had used to collect data. I then output that as a…


Is anyone out there? Tracking blog statistics

Heidi Cohen gives a lot of good advice on getting your blog noticed, very little of which I follow. For one thing, she does not begin by suggesting you have someone bring you a glass of cognac, which is how this particular post started, proving that she may know more about blogging but I’m a…