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Don’t Believe Other People are Smarter Than You + Github is awesome

If you want to be a programmer, entrepreneur or a statistician, the best advice that I can give is, “Don’t believe other people are smarter than you.” Sometimes that is hard advice to take. I read an interesting blog post by Ali Berlinksi, “I miss being stereotyped”, about being Asian-American and moving to an area…

First Annual Tribal Disabilities Conference

On October 3rd, Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa is hosting the first ever (but to be annual) Tribal Disabilities Conference. The theme this year is “The World of Disabilities” and I am super-excited because I am going to be giving the keynote address along with my long-time friend and business partner, Dr. Erich Longie.  …

Item Difficulty Analysis in Six (or Fewer) Easy Steps

What is item difficulty analysis and how is it helpful? Item difficulty analysis is simply examining what percentage of students answered each item correctly. Item difficulty analysis is one basic way to establish test validity. One would expect that items at the second-grade level would have the lowest level of difficulty, being answered by the…


Make a note of this overlooked feature in SAS Enterprise Guide

Sometimes the simplest things can make life easier. When I start exploring a new data set, the first thing I do is the Characterize Data task. With even modest-sized datasets this produces a lot of output. For example, the data from Spirit Lake: The Game, with about 80 variables and 88 subjects produced 93 pages….

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Exploring Your Data with SAS Enterprise Guide: Important Basics

I’m doing a Hands-On Workshop in Las Vegas at the Western Users of SAS Software conference in November. When they asked me for some topics, I thought about factor analysis or categorical data analysis, but I’m already doing a couple of other talks on those procedures. I really felt like one of the most overlooked…