
How much statistics can you learn in an online course in a month?

Last year, I went from teaching in classrooms in a pretty building with a library on the ground floor to teaching on-line. I also went from the semester system to teaching the same content in four weeks. This has led curious friends of mine, used to teaching in the traditional format, to ask , How…

Care and Feeding of Volunteers

Since it is the weekend, I decided to blog about weekend stuff. Look for more statistics tomorrow. For most of the past quarter-century, I have been roped into being a volunteer for one organization or another. Here is a very, very partial list: American Association on Mental Retardation National Council on Family Relations United States…


When are you done? The big question for entrepreneurs

Every day, every week, I face the same question that all entrepreneurs ask themselves – “How do you know when you are done?” Most days, I start work around 10 am and finish about 14 hours later. Usually, I take off an hour for lunch and an hour for dinner, or take a few hours…

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How much matrix algebra do statistics students REALLY need?

Following a discussion using matrix algebra to show computation in a Multivariate Analysis of Variance, a doctoral student asked me, “Professor, when will I ever use this? Why do I need to know this?” He had a valid point. I’m always asking myself why I’m teaching something. Is it because it interests me personally, because…

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USDA is the biggest proponent of women in tech

I’m pretty certain that I’m a woman in technology. Last night, I was using SAS on a virtual machine through a remote desktop connection to prepare data from the National Hospital Discharge Survey for use in examples of MANOVA and multinomial logistic regression. Today, I was working on improving animation in the Javascript for a…


FINALLY we look like we know what we’re doing

Yes, I do realize that I’m probably far more excited about our new website coming on line than is normal. Several points here on a Friday night: I completely disagree with those entrepreneurs who say, “You sell the sizzle not the steak” when what they mean is that they really don’t have a good product…