
Baby Steps to Logistic regression

Going from the phi coefficient to odds-ratios. Remember the numerator for the phi coefficient was well, the odds ratio is the same two numbers DIVIDED rather than subtracted. You might think it is four numbers, but really it is not. The first number is the product of the diagonal cells (see below). The second number…

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Phi coefficients, odds ratios and the F-word

Yes, I am the F-word – a feminist. I was at a faculty meeting this weekend and one of the presenters began by saying, pointing to a colleague in the audience, “I am sure Dr. Y knows more about this than me.” Several times in her presentation on analysis of assessment data she would pause…

The Dangers and Wonders of Statistics Using SAS :

Over the past twenty-five years, due to improvements in statistical software capabilities, it has become increasingly easier to obtain output for complex statistical procedures. Unfortunately, this does not mean that statistical analysis has become easier. In a relatively short period, it is possible to train an employee or student to be competent at getting computers…