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I never made a Halloween costume but here is some code I wrote

Many years ago, I was walking through the exhibits at the county fair with my late husband (he was alive then, that’s why he was able to walk with me) and I lamented, Look at those quilts. My grandmother makes quilts. Look at those crocheted tablecloths. My other grandmother crochets. Look at me – what do…


Lessons from Life: 1> Your children don’t think you’re human

Your mileage may vary, your life may vary, but there are a few lessons worth learning .  As a public service, I have decided to share with you things I thought I knew but was initially wrong about. Your children don’t actually consider you a person until they are nearly 30 (if ever). Many years…

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Men, Women, Tech, Discrimination & Statistics

Let’s get this out right up front – I have no question that there is discrimination in the tech industry. I gave an hour-long talk on this very subject at MIT a couple of weeks ago, where I pointed out that everyone’s first draft of pretty much everything is crap – your first game, first…


Why you need documentation (Wherein I reveal my distrust of tech writers)

Do you really need to document everything? Those who say that there is no such thing as a stupid question might be reconsidering their position right about now. Of course we need to document everything! Perhaps my reluctance stems from my hatred of technical writers. If you are a tech writer and are a decent…

It’s not so fun when it’s you being disrupted

Start-ups are all about buzzwords – innovation! disrupt! billion! We’re going to disrupt the something something something with our innovation that will bring us a billion dollars! Hurray! VCs , give me money! That all sounds really good until it’s you that’s being disrupted. We’re part of the Boom Startup Ed Tech accelerator for twelve…