Yes, You Totally CAN Understand Model Fit Statistics, with M & M’s

Ever wonder why with goodness of fit tests non- significance is what you want? Why is that sometimes when you have a significant p-value it means your hypothesis is correct, there is a relationship between the price of honey and the number of bees, and in other cases, significance means your model is rejected? Well,…

The Multivariate Social Scientist: Book Review & Notes on Generalized Linear Models

I’ve been looking high and low for a supplemental text for a course on multivariate statistics and I found this one – The Multivariate Social Scientist, by Graeme Hutcheson 7 Nick Sofroniou They are big proponents of generalized linear models, in fact, the subtitle is “Introductory statistics using generalized linear models”, so if you don’t…

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How much matrix algebra do statistics students REALLY need?

Following a discussion using matrix algebra to show computation in a Multivariate Analysis of Variance, a doctoral student asked me, “Professor, when will I ever use this? Why do I need to know this?” He had a valid point. I’m always asking myself why I’m teaching something. Is it because it interests me personally, because…