
Playing with Open Data – Good to Know Tips from the Random File

From the random file — I’ve been super-busy working on our new startup, 7 Generation Games , and Darling Daughter Number Three had to defend her world title again which distracted me a bit, so I have a bunch of half-written posts, I thought I’d just put up at random, for the same reason I do…

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Drinking and teaching statistics: Day 10 of the 20-day blogging challenge

There are multiple reasons that I haven’t gotten around to Day 10 of the 20-day blogging challenge. In part, because I have been really busy, and the other part is because I read this topic, “Share ideas that your classroom uses for brain breaks and/or indoor recess” and I thought I got nothin’ Anyone who…

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What I totally will do again, and what I wish I didn’t have to

Today I’m getting around to day nine of the 20-day blogging challenge while I wait for The Invisible Developer to get out of the shower where he is curled in a fetal position whining about having to go outside when it is 14 below zero. Actually, he is probably just taking a shower, but lots…

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Scoring tests with SAS: What a difference array makes

Day eight of the 20-day blogging challenge was to write about a professional read – a book, article or blog post that has had an impact on me. To be truthful, I would have to say that the SAS documentation has had a profound impact on me. SAS documentation is extremely well-written (to be fair,…

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Website to Die for : Day 3 of the 20-day blogging challenge

The question for Day 3 is : “What is a website that you cannot live without? Tell about your favorite features and how you use it in your teaching and learning.” The first part is easy. Oh my God, I love, love, LOVE stackoverflow, a site where all of your programming questions are answered. It’s free…

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Livebinders: 20-day blogging challenge, day two

Today I’m on day two of the 20-day blogging challenge, the brain child of Kelly Hines and a great way to find new, interesting bloggers. The second day prompt was to share an organizational tip from your classroom, one thing that works for you. The latest tool I’ve been using is livebinders . Remember when…

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Dude, where’s my estimates? Illegal path? A forgetful person’s guide to AMOS

I don’t use AMOS for structural equation modeling all that often and every time I do I have to look up all of the steps again. 1. Install SPSS and AMOS. Fortunately, it seems to work on Windows 8. Yay! You can either open AMOS by double-clicking on it or you can open it directly…

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You Lost Me at “Compute Analysis of Variance by Hand” and When Your Server Went Down for 14 hours

I was reading the powerpoints that came with a textbook, you know, in the instructor’s packet, and I was already thinking this book was a little more focused on computation over comprehension for my liking when I came to the following learning objective: “Compute an Analysis of Variance by hand.” Are you fucking kidding me?…

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The Care and Feeding of Developers

After a fine, productive evening of coding PHP and javascript respectively, The Invisible Developer and I were discussing how to find a developer. We’re making good progress on 7 Generation Games and we’re pretty happy coding our own stunts. We did have someone come in to pinch hit last year when we were running behind…