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The acronym tag and other css adventures

I was wrong. Somewhere along the line, I got the idea that women did CSS and HTML and men did “real” coding like PHP, SQL, Python, Perl, javascript etc. Since life had taught me that predominantly male fields always paid better than female ones (construction workers get paid more than licensed practical nurses, for example),…


Updating to Windows 8.1 Pro and other fairy tales

if you read yesterday’s post (and how could you not!) You were treated to my scintillating tale of my experience with Microsoft customer support where I called five people and got five different answers to the question about upgrading to Windows 8.1 Pro. Although two people did give me the same answer, one person gave…

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Customer Service (or lack thereof) at Microsoft and beyond

We’re out at the USDA Small Business Innovation Research commercialization training workshop and one of the presenters said, “You as a small business owner, have a great advantage over the larger companies. You think they have an advantage but you’re wrong. Customer service in this country is TERRIBLE. You only need to not suck to…


How to Fix Your SPSS Truncated Data File

Well, this morning started out annoying, and not just because I had to be at LAX at 8 a.m. I am sitting here trying to analyze an SPSS file someone sent me last night and I get this … Command: CORRELATIONS Incomplete (truncated) SPSS Statistics data file: /Users/annmaria/blahblah.sav Execution of this command stops. I tried…

Changing your path with pointing and clicking in SAS Enterprise Guide

I am aware that the world is full of people who don’t know what a C-prompt is and who are unfamiliar with the concept of a path. Suppose you are one of those people (and no, I’m not judging you As Will Rogers said, “Everyone is ignorant, just on different subjects. He was a pretty…

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Don’t Believe Other People are Smarter Than You + Github is awesome

If you want to be a programmer, entrepreneur or a statistician, the best advice that I can give is, “Don’t believe other people are smarter than you.” Sometimes that is hard advice to take. I read an interesting blog post by Ali Berlinksi, “I miss being stereotyped”, about being Asian-American and moving to an area…