
Make a note of this overlooked feature in SAS Enterprise Guide

Sometimes the simplest things can make life easier. When I start exploring a new data set, the first thing I do is the Characterize Data task. With even modest-sized datasets this produces a lot of output. For example, the data from Spirit Lake: The Game, with about 80 variables and 88 subjects produced 93 pages….

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Exploring Your Data with SAS Enterprise Guide: Important Basics

I’m doing a Hands-On Workshop in Las Vegas at the Western Users of SAS Software conference in November. When they asked me for some topics, I thought about factor analysis or categorical data analysis, but I’m already doing a couple of other talks on those procedures. I really felt like one of the most overlooked…

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SAS On-Demand – Nice statistics teaching tool, with graphics & possibly cookies

I’ve been working with SAS Enterprise Guide 6.1 with SAS On-Demand on Virtual Box and I can’t find much to complain about. It is slow, but since I’m usually doing 14 things at once, while I’m writing for a task to complete I can read an email, download a file or answer a phone call….


Coding Tools to Make Life Easier

I was working on something for a client when The Invisible Developer walked into my office, looked over my shoulder at the code and said, “So, you’re a PHP programmer now?” I answered, “I’m a whatever-language-we-happen-to-need-at-the-moment programmer.” A year and a half ago, I took a look at Codecademy and was underwhelmed. It’s gotten mixed…

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Mama AnnMaria’s Point-y Click-y Guide to Factor Analysis

So, yesterday, if you were paying attention, we figured out WHY to do a factor analysis today’s post is about how. I’m using SAS Enterprise Guide because I had it open on my computer. Here is what the completed project looks like:   Here is what I did, reading from the top — I opened…


Javascript can’t be in two places at the same time & a rant on math games

Spirit Lake: The Game is mostly an adventure game that teaches math. However, it has lots of Easter eggs, side quests and spin-offs added because hey, these are kids and sometimes they like to do something different and some of them have the attention span of an ant. Our idea is to make the game…