Programming: Step 1

Intimidated by your latest programming task? Code taking longer than you think it should? Here’s a tip – When I was in college, flow charts were what the “cool kids in computer science” did – a phrase Darling Daughter Number One has informed me is oxymoronic. Seriously, when I took Fortran and Basic in school…


A quick introduction to interpretation of Exploratory Factor Analysis: Mplus Example

Last week I wrote a bit about how to get an exploratory factor analysis using Mplus. The question now, is what does that output MEAN ? First, you just get some information on the programming statements or defaults that produced your output: INPUT READING TERMINATED NORMALLY Exploratory Factor Analysis ; SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS Number of…


Web editor is not only free but it will write your program for you

If that sounds like total marketing b.s. to you, I can’t blame you — download this app and supermodels will throw themselves at you with thousand dollar bills in their teeth. Well, no super models are provided but the SAS Web Editor really *will* write your code for you in the latest version soon to…

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The QUANTLIFE procedure for survival analysis

Trying this live blogging from SAS Global Forum again. The title kind of says it PROC QUANTLIFE new procedure in SAS 9.3 Why DO we need a new procedure for survival analysis? ====== Survival analysis used to analyze time-to-event data already had procs lifetes, lifereg & phreg ======== Lifereg is fine if you have IID…