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Cool thing of the day = Visual Analytics: SAS Global Forum Day 2

The taiko drumming on trash cans at the opening ceremony was kind of cool, but being a true geek I have to say the cool thing of the day goes to Visual Analytics. By the way, ten brownie points and kudos to whoever had the bright idea of having the SAS demo room open on…


It is possible there was drinking: SAS Global Forum Day 1

SAS Global Forum has the usual required conference amenities. There is a nice hotel. There is swag. See photo below received by knowing trivia answers. Hint: A good place to find the trivia answers in advance is the SAS users blog. It is also good to know the name of the SAS Global Forum chair…

SAS EG Weighted Bar Chart to Answer Question on Race & Marriage

Not quite three weeks ago, I wrote about how to do a table analysis using SAS Enterprise Guide to answer the pressing question of whether men are more or less likely to marry women with more education. I was going to follow up with an explanation of how to get a weighted bar chart. Explanation of…


I was brilliant. Then I wasn’t. Then I was.

Programming is NOT mostly about writing code. It’s mostly about figuring out how to solve a problem. Here is an example from yesterday…. HOW TO SCORE QUESTIONS WHEN THE ANSWERS ARE IN MULTIPLE VARIABLES I downloaded an SPSS file from surveymonkey which a client had used to collect data. I then output that as a…

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Do Men Want to Marry Smart Women? An Answer with SAS On-Demand

Last year, one of my very young doctoral students (who was single), commented in class that she was sure women with more education were less likely to get married. Two older women in the class agreed that was probably true because women with more education were less likely to settle for just any man who…