
Ten Things about SAS On-Demand for Academics

1. It’s free. Some people say this is just the evil corporate answer to R. Maybe. Probably. I don’t care.  I don’t see Microsoft giving me anything for free. 2. It’s pretty easy for an instructor to get an account. I presume SAS verifies your instructor account. First you need a SAS Profile https://www.sas.com/profile/user/create.htm Then…


Confirmatory Factor Analysis with AMOS: OMG it’s THIS button

I’ve forgotten more about statistical software than you’ll ever know! I don’t know why people ever say this in a bragging tone because I consider that to be my problem. I’ve forgotten it. Today, I needed to do a confirmatory factor analysis with someone using AMOS. They wanted it in AMOS so that is what…

Data Triage with SAS

Getting my papers written for the 2011 Western Users of SAS Software (WUSS) meeting . All three papers are in the SAS Essentials strand, which is designed to provide a jump start in their career for relatively new programmers. I’ve given some version of this talk a few times before, and I sometimes think it…


SAS and SPSS Give Different Results for Logistic Regression but not really

When people ask me what type of statistical software to use, I run through the advantages and disadvantages, but always conclude, “Of course, whatever you choose is going to give you the same results. It’s not as if you’re going to get a F-value of 67.24 with SAS and one of 2.08 with Stata. Your…


More cultural relevance = lower academic achievement: WHY?

Before we went to Arlington, VA to get our hands on the National Indian Education Study , my colleague, Dr. Erich Longie, hypothesized that schools that had more cultural activities would have lower academic achievement. In addition to being an old friend, Dr. Longie is president of Spirit Lake Consulting, Inc. , a published author…