
Sometimes you learn more from the questions

than the answers. This was certainly the case at the Tech Coast Angels Fast Pitch Competition at UCLA last Thursday. In this competition, ten finalists are selected to give a 90-second pitch on their start-up. The presentations are rated on investment potential and presentation with members of the TCA holding up cards like a gymnastics…


Why we do everything wrong in social media

Let’s assume, based on a random fact that I just made up for the moment, that 50% of all businesses that succeed are restaurants. Based on this fact, as a business consultant, you advise me that I should offer daily specials, make up flyers that I post on cars around the neighborhood, be sure I…

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Discovering if your data blow with help from SAS Enterprise Guide

“Is there anything you can do to help? I’d kill you but there is a law against it. You’d better leave before I figure out a way around that.” This comment was made by a co-worker of mine who had saved all of the data for his thesis for a masters in computer science on…


There is no such thing as conservative math!

Statisticians should not listen to talk radio or to anything on the Fox network. Those people who say that you can prove anything with statistics are mistaken. You can prove anything with statistics to people who don’t understand statistics. I think some of those same people you can prove anything to with a box of…


When acceptance is really rejection: Death by Green Pants

The model is non-significant, therefore my theory is supported. Huh? Just when you thought it was safe to get back into statistics… It took you two years of graduate school but now you have it down. P-value low = good, relationship detected, publication, tenure, Abercrombie & Fitch models at your feet. P-value = high, no…


Controlling for Damn Near Everything: Propensity Score Matching

Lately I have been on a roll looking at relatively less common statistical techniques, proportional hazards, survival analysis, etc. In keeping with that, I have been taking a look at propensity score matching, fondly known as PSM by, – well, by no one actually. The problem to be solved …. Think about some of these…