Defeating the dreaded YZR malfunction
Ever seen this?
ERROR: YZR malfunction file BLAHBLAH.DATA trashed or YZR code bug
Using Windows 7, I tried to open a SAS file created using SPSS 19 on my Mac and saved in Dropbox and got a brand new (to me) error. I thought perhaps it was Dropbox, because that was brand-new to me also. I saved the file on a flash drive, made the great sacrifice of walking the three feet over to the Windows computer and got the same problem again.
If you are getting this error switching from SPSS on a Mac to a Windows computer, here is how to solve it in five seconds.
1. Instead of saving as a regular SAS file (sas7bdat) save as a SAS transport file (xpt). Both are options when you are saving your file in SPSS 19.
2. When opening your file for the first time in SAS, use the code below.
libname in xport "g:\mysurvey.xpt" ;
data newfile ;
set ;
Fixed. Done. You’re welcome.
You just saved me from pulling out my remaining hair. Thanks!
Thank you! Worked beautifully!
Thanks! Worked exactly as promised, and you saved me a lot of time.
Ditto. Thanks very much for taking the time to post. I have never gotten this error before.
Thanks! As the others have said, I too have never seen this error. The idea of a transport file did not occur to me.