Search Results for: factor analysis

Canonical correlation: What I was thinking about today

I probably hadn’t thought about canonical correlation in twenty years, but then a problem came up this week where it was the exact technique I needed. What made me laugh, though, is the particular problem I was dealing with twenty years ago had school achievement measures – tests of English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies…


Controlling for Damn Near Everything: Propensity Score Matching

Lately I have been on a roll looking at relatively less common statistical techniques, proportional hazards, survival analysis, etc. In keeping with that, I have been taking a look at propensity score matching, fondly known as PSM by, – well, by no one actually. The problem to be solved …. Think about some of these…

The Dangers and Wonders of Statistics Using SAS :

Over the past twenty-five years, due to improvements in statistical software capabilities, it has become increasingly easier to obtain output for complex statistical procedures. Unfortunately, this does not mean that statistical analysis has become easier. In a relatively short period, it is possible to train an employee or student to be competent at getting computers…