Care and Feeding of Volunteers

Since it is the weekend, I decided to blog about weekend stuff. Look for more statistics tomorrow. For most of the past quarter-century, I have been roped into being a volunteer for one organization or another. Here is a very, very partial list: American Association on Mental Retardation National Council on Family Relations United States…

Yes, You Totally CAN Understand Model Fit Statistics, with M & M’s

Ever wonder why with goodness of fit tests non- significance is what you want? Why is that sometimes when you have a significant p-value it means your hypothesis is correct, there is a relationship between the price of honey and the number of bees, and in other cases, significance means your model is rejected? Well,…

The Multivariate Social Scientist: Book Review & Notes on Generalized Linear Models

I’ve been looking high and low for a supplemental text for a course on multivariate statistics and I found this one – The Multivariate Social Scientist, by Graeme Hutcheson 7 Nick Sofroniou They are big proponents of generalized linear models, in fact, the subtitle is “Introductory statistics using generalized linear models”, so if you don’t…


When are you done? The big question for entrepreneurs

Every day, every week, I face the same question that all entrepreneurs ask themselves – “How do you know when you are done?” Most days, I start work around 10 am and finish about 14 hours later. Usually, I take off an hour for lunch and an hour for dinner, or take a few hours…

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How much matrix algebra do statistics students REALLY need?

Following a discussion using matrix algebra to show computation in a Multivariate Analysis of Variance, a doctoral student asked me, “Professor, when will I ever use this? Why do I need to know this?” He had a valid point. I’m always asking myself why I’m teaching something. Is it because it interests me personally, because…

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USDA is the biggest proponent of women in tech

I’m pretty certain that I’m a woman in technology. Last night, I was using SAS on a virtual machine through a remote desktop connection to prepare data from the National Hospital Discharge Survey for use in examples of MANOVA and multinomial logistic regression. Today, I was working on improving animation in the Javascript for a…