
The statistical knowledge you need the most – almost everywhere

What do a herd of deer and a sea lion have to do with statistics? Friday, I was on the Spirit Lake Dakota Nation in North Dakota. Most of the time while I was there, I spent at the Spirit Lake Vocational Rehabilitation Project, an impressively effective group of people who help tribal members with…


Becoming a real software developer, using SAS, or whatever

God spare me from the self-taught software developer who knows only the latest thing. I’m not against the latest thing, whether it is react or ember or Python games on Raspberry Pi or whatever it is today. My objection is to the fallacy that it is the only thing or even the most import thing. …

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The 5 Building Blocks of Success

So you want to be a successful software developer / consultant ? If you are in any kind of quantitative field you have a VAST range of options, from working at some of the largest companies in the world in marketing research to performing efficacy studies for non-profits whose staff members can be counted on…


It only seems like this has nothing to do with statistics

Last post, I talked about bricolage, the fine art of throwing random stuff together to make something useful. This is something of a philosophy of life for me. Seems rambling but it’s not … Over 30 years ago, I was the first American to win the world judo championships. A few years ago, I co-authored…

Bricolage: My autobiography, with SAS procedures

I thought the title of Al Franken’s book , The Truth, with jokes , was great and I wanted to do something just like it. Unfortunately, I’m not that funny. Often, the discussion comes up among colleagues whether it is better for one’s career to be a specialist or a generalist. It’s a little (a…

Bugs on a Plane: Bad quotes & getting rid of character data

Little known fact (because, seriously, how would you know) , I write a lot of code while sitting on a plane and I can’t always connect to the Internet. NOT ALL QUOTATION MARKS ARE CREATED EQUAL Sometimes, when I copy and paste my code into SAS Studio, it doesn’t work. if compress(q23) = “3/4” then…